Welcome Ladies & Gentlemen to the sweetly macabre tale of a little girl named Cyanide...
Isn't that such a CUTE name???
Is that 'NO' I hear you cry????
Well, you may have a point! You see, the Cyanide we all know here in the House of Goth is very cute... however she has a deadly and wicked heart.
And... you guessed it! She enjoys to dish out a little bit of poison here and there! And all witha sweet little kiss on the cheek.....
Oh Dear, what shall we do with Sweet, Sweet Cyanide?
That's right, we will take her to Church to repent her evil ways, in her Sunday Best... and as you can see Ladies & Gents... it is one HELL of a Sunday Best Gown.
In homage to the legend of "Sweet, Sweet Cyanide.. The Poisonous Child" we give you our "Sweet Cyanide Gown".
Hand crafted and tailored to the highest standard, this gown is made using Acetate Satin in a choice of Hot Pink, Royal Purple, Emeral Green, Royal Bue and White.
Trimmed with deadly black ric-rac, spooky skull buttons and delicate black lace we just hope she doesn't poison the Vicar!
Dress is fully lined, and fastens via a zip in the back.
Made to order only in UK standard sizes Newborn - 5 Years, or Custom Made to Measure
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House of Goth

The DEadliest Clothing This side of Hell.........
Macabre & Theatrical Couture by Sharon Goth
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