In homage to one of the greatest artiste the world has ever known, we bring you our amazing Princess of Mars Party Dress.
We have created a stunning and fully tailored dress in a beautiful shade of blue, with a cute underskirting of white ruffled dress net.
The bodice has a goegeous white collar and an attached grey satin tie, complete with red and white stripe and pale blue sequins and beads.
The dress fastens in the back with a white zip.
As you will probably guess, our inspiration is taken from the stunning outfit worn by David Bowie in his Life on Mars video.
so....Is there Life on Mars?
Made to Order only in UK standard sizes Newborn - 5 Years, or custom made to measure.
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House of Goth

The DEadliest Clothing This side of Hell.........
Macabre & Theatrical Couture by Sharon Goth
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