It's a very true saying!
"Never Trust The Living"
I'm sure we all have memories of encounters with some very unsavoury and dishonest people......
But does that mean we should trust the DEAD?!?
I mean, have you seen The Entity? Have you seen The Shining?
So......maybe not!
How cute is out little Burtonesque skirt? Specially designed for little ghouls.
We have hand crafted it in stunningly spooky black and white striped cotton fabric, with a beautiful and dainty trim of black lace.
And to finish it off, we have attached some sweet but deadly acid green heart-shaped buttons. Perfect for your little bundle of poisonous love!
Fully Lined with an elastic waist.
Available from Newborn to 3 Years.
We can also create this skirt for older children and adults. Please email us with your requirements.
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House of Goth

The DEadliest Clothing This side of Hell.........
Macabre & Theatrical Couture by Sharon Goth
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